Sunday, February 5, 2017

Spring on Salamina and a trip to Kolones

February 2
Kolones village is in the south east end of the island and appealed to me from a map because it sits at the end of a dead end road, with views east, south and west. There are several small harbours nearby and an ancient stone monument overlooks the bay from a knob of high land. That is the kind of place I would like to have for my retreat. 

Surrounded by nature, view of the sea, rocks, some trees, outcroppings, cliffs. Where I could hear the waves crashing on the shore and see the stars at night.

Even though it is early February, flowers cover the slopes of hills, the sides of roads and blossoms are bursting open on an apple tree. I watch an old couple picking something near the road. I ask them what it is: wild asparagus. They have bags full of horta as well. I buy a bottle of soda at a local shop and while waiting for the bus, spend an hour sitting on a bench in front of a church, enjoying the sun on my face. 

February 4
Today, it is warm enough that I have opened the windows and the balcony door and haven't used the heater since about eight this morning. I am mesmerized by the sound of the sea. I'd love to have a place like this for my own to live in all the time.
Sea front, above the sea, so I can hear it on the rocks below. I want a view to the south. I don't have to have a house; I would be happy with a yurt.